
                                  Presentasjon av instruktørene 2025

                                    Det blir garantert utfordring og bevegelsesglede.

                              Ved de mest krevende workshoppene blir det roligere alternativer i vår chill out sal. 

                                            Flere instruktører presenteres i tiden som kommer!


          Movement Practice

            David Magyel

David Magyel, originally from Slovakia and now based in Bergen, Norway, is a professional jazz pianist and movement coach.
His approach to practicing movement is influenced by his background in martial arts, as well as his exploration in contemporary dance and contact improvisation.
David integrates these disciplines into a unique style that emphasizes aesthetics, playfulness, and fluidity in movement. His teaching method is inspired by greats like Roye Goldschmidt, Marcello Palozzo and Jon Yuen.

What is Movement Practice?

Movement practice is where strength and mobility are developed through playful, animal-like movements, inversions, and dance-inspired sequences that flow seamlessly together. It's about exploring a wide range of movements, modifying, and experimenting with the basics rather than sticking to one strict form.

For example, if you typically do a push-up in training, movement practice might involve doing a push-up behind your back, on your side, or while moving in different ways. Once you’ve built a certain level of strength and mobility through basic exercises, you’ll want to start adding creativity and complexity to them. This approach makes any skills (like push-ups) truly yours, allowing you to use them in any situation and express yourself freely.

Why is it important?

It helps develop a well-rounded, adaptable body. It also ensures that you stay coordinated and balanced, even when you're tired. By practicing Movement, you train your body to handle different angles and situations better, making you more resilient and less prone to injury.

Who is this workshop for?

My movement workshop are for anyone who loves to explore and experiment with movement. Whether your goal is to get stronger, become more flexible, or simply feel better in your body, this workshop will inspire and challenge you along the way.

A quick note on difficulty and skill levels:

Everything we do can be modified to match where you are right now, whether that means making things easier or more challenging. The focus will be on moving mindfully and smoothly, in a way that feels good to you, no matter your level. So, no worries—you’ll be encouraged to move at your own speed and pick the variations that feel best for you. 😊

    Shake the dust - opening to grace

               Sanni Parkkinen

Let go of what you may be hindered by!

This is a not-what-you-expect class! This is a transformative and embodied practice of the bodyheartmind, a dance of Shiva.

Opening to Grace is about meeting ourselves where we are, practicing presence and invoking a trust for life and where it is taking us.

Through a guided poetic universe we journey between perpetual movement, rest, release and free movement. With shaking, jumping, dancing, intuitive movement (some yoga sometimes too), pilates, somatics and body weight training, not to mention a kick ass carefully curated playlist, this class is designed for everyone and will at best deliver a cathartic release, a great workout, SWEAT and a strong, resilient body.


Sanni Parkkinen is experienced breathing educator, breath worker, somatic coach and yoga teacher.

In her work, Sanni focuses on nervous system health, breath and respecting the wisdom of the body through curious explorations. She has a deeply intuitive yet rational understanding of the human system, realms of experiences and metaphysics of nature. She is a shamanic vocal work practitioner and drum worker. Her big passion is to explore the convergences of latest research and ancient wisdom.

Sanni's Breathing Unlimited™ approach to breathing & movement work is multidisciplinary, drawing inspiration from various modalities: Integrative Breathing Therapy, Buteyko Method, Breathwork, Taoism, Somatic Experiencing, Body-Mind Centering®, Movement Intelligence, Feldenkrais, Hatha, Tantra & Vijnana Yoga and various body-oriented therapy modalities.

More about her background and education can be read here:




         Eline H F Wigestrand

My name is Eline, and I’m all about creating a room where self expression can feel safe, natural and yummy for you.

In our session, we will focus on co-creating this space, allowing for deep relaxation and presence. This presence will help us tune into our bodies, our breath, and whatever else emerges to the surface in the moment.

I was originally trained in the breathwork technique of ‘Re-Birthing,’ which still informs my practice. However, I’ve softened my approach over time, aligning it with a deeper sense of ease and presence. My style is all about relaxing into our experience—meeting the sensations that arise within us with gentleness.

This type of work has the potential to be transformative, expressive, and deeply connecting with the self. The experience will most likely be quite individual and unique.

I can’t wait to breathe with you!


            Frode Strand Karlsen

Frode Strand Karlsen driver til daglig Trondheim Taiji Senter, der han instruerer i Taijiquan og Qigong. Han har trent kampkunst og avspenningsteknikker siden år 2000. Han startet karrieren med Wing Tsun i Trondheim, og etter noen år økte interessen for å se dypere og bredere inn i de østlige filosofier, bevegelse og meditasjonsteknikker. Under årets festival vil han undervise i Taijiquan, Qigong, og syngebollemeditasjon. Hjertelig velkommen!